Monday, July 2, 2007

Round 3, Turn 1

In accordance with Proposal 2.2, an item shop is created in Square #8, selling the following items:

Were-CarrotMay be used to bribe the Were-Rabbit.$50
Were-Carrot SeedMay be planted in Dirt and Watered. If so, will grow into 1d6 Were-Carrots in one turn.$20
CupThis is an ordinary cup. It does things ordinary cups do, like hold water.$5
ShoeThis shoe was made for walking$30

The Were-Rabbit moves 4 towards Square #20, landing on Square #20 and encountering no Players.

ap takes the default move and advances 9 to Square #11, smack-talking (courteously) the other Players. On the way, ap passes the Item Shop and purchases 1 carrot, 5 seeds, 2 cups and 3 shoes (individual shoes: one right, two left), for a cost of $250.

scientia takes the default move and advances 6 to Square #18.

JimTheCactus takes the default move and advances 6 to Square #20, encountering (and bribing) the Were-Rabbit for $100.

ortmage takes the default move, rolls 7 and advances 6 to Square #20, encountering (and bribing) the Were-Rabbit for $100. ortmage continues 1 to Square #1.

oni takes the default move and advances 8 to Square #11, passing the Item Shop.

NOTE: from here on out, I'm assuming the default move with respect to the Were-Rabbit is bribery, favoring items over cash, and the default move with the Item Shop is to not buy.

EDIT: Sorry, guys, I thought the Were-Rabbit was on Square #16, not Square #20. I've corrected things now.


Anonymous said...

should i be scared of the were-rabbit?
or should i think of it as cute and cuddly?
will it only hurt me on full moons?

Anonymous said...

how does the were-carrot seed work? i assume you need water and dirt to plant it. but once you plant it, will it have fully grown before you leave that square? and if you let it grow for more than one turn, will it be higher than 1d6?

emeraldimp said...

Good questions! I interpret the proposal as follows:

Once a Player has planted and watered the seed, it will be available the beginning of the following turn. However, since I don't see any rules concerning how to pick up items (correct me if I'm wrong), I rule that a Player must land in the square an item is in to pick it up (ie, no picking up items before you move).

Letting the carrots grow longer will not change their number.

Anonymous said...

so i can't pick up the were-carrots that i planted unless i make it around the board to the exact same square? and anyone else who lands on that square can very well pick up my were-carrots? i'm disturbed by this.

emeraldimp said...

That seems to be an accurate description, yes. Proposals to modify it are welcome!

Anonymous said...

Is it $30 for each shoe or a pair?

emeraldimp said...

$30/shoe. :-)